Monday, November 25, 2013

wood-carved reliefs

Lately I've been experimenting with a new languaje, the relief.
I find the relief a very interesting languaje between sculpture, drawing and painting.
I try to approach in a very contenporary way to the relief, here are some examples of my approach:

Picture1 is....Saint Sebastian 107x 61x 8cmts
Picture2 is ... Damocles  121x80x10 cmts
Picture3 is...  Multipication of bread and fish.  120x80x14cms


Uroboros is a small wood-carved sculpture 10x60x18 cmts

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

This is the Little Martyr... This sculpture can be shown with or without the knife, public has to decide if the knife has to be or not on the sculpture's chest.
It's carved in wood and painted 120x60x52cms with knife.. 91x60x52cms without knife