Thursday, December 21, 2023

Joan Priego — Artist and DOM Art Residence participant

Here a small interview about my participation at Dom Art Residence last November

Thursday, November 23, 2023

My Work for DOM art Residence

                                                             Handle with care

Self censorship

Portrait of the artist as an old man but still trying to emerge

This sculpture of a twisted body trying to fit in a small box is the work I made during my residence at DOM art residence.

From a very young age I began to be interested in art.

Expressive works, with a strong aesthetic and protest images, have always caught my attention, my work is full of them.

But this kind of taste has been a problem  throughout my career.

Collectors generally do not like works with strong or unpleasant aesthetics.

 It is very understandable that if they are going to buy something for home they prefer aesthetically pleasing works.

As an artist I found time and again rejection from galleries and collectors because of the nature of my work.

The years go by and it is increasingly difficult for me to fit into this world.

I try to self-censor my impulses and make nicer works that may  have more possibilities of sale and promotion.

This selfcensorship creates a big contradiction and I see myself as the character represented in the sculpture trying to fit into a world in which I have no place.

I’m still trying to emerge but as the character represented in the sculpture I am unable to find the surface.


Saturday, October 28, 2023



Oak wood carved and painted

32x34x29 cmts

Friday, July 14, 2023

 The Hollow

Painted wood 182x 60x40cmts

Monday, March 06, 2023

Flying Man

 Another version of the flying man

Epoxy, wood, wire, metal

Sunday, February 26, 2023

The flying man

 The flying man.

Atomata, wood and wire

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Human Fly

 Human Fly

44x33x31cmts. Epoxyclay, wire, vynil, doll's hair.