Friday, November 20, 2020

Ruins of our pettiness (Holy Shit)

 This is my last work, " Ruins of our Pettiness (holy shit)" 

I was trying to sum up my experience in this loathsome year 2020 in a narrative sculpture and this is the result

Its a wall sculpture 103x66x33 cmts, mixed media (Epoxy, wood, polyester, plaster, vinil, paint) 

Monday, May 11, 2020

The teleportation incident

The teleportation incident, 32x39x26cmts epoxy clay, wire, vinil and doll hair

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Centaur, 23x33x10cmts epoxy and wood

Corporation Series, our CEO

Sometimes Corporations seem to function as autonomous living organisms.
Sometimes I imagine these big companies as beings out of a Lovercraft story hidden in the shadows to dominate and destroy our world
 This is the first of a series of sculptures where I deal with this topic: The corporation as a monster, as a lovercraftian entity.

Here's the portrait of a CEO. 
I know that gorillas are peaceful and intelligent and they would never destroy the planet for their own profit. I only use the image of the gorilla symbolically. Our CEO is a primate who has achieved his status in the group through domination and strength. He has two tentacles for tie, as a tribute to the Lovecraft monster he worships. 
Polyester Resin, epoxy, hair, wood 48x17x30cmts

Monday, January 06, 2020


Faun, 17x10x16cmts, polyester& epoxy clay.